Cambodia One Village One Product (grape wine) - NewThingsToKnow9999

Cambodia One Village One Product (grape wine)

In Cambodia, activities similar to the “ One village One product ’’ concept have already exist for along time and grape wine also play an importance role for Cambodia economic system. Every province has it’s own product and every product help to develop country. In Cambodia grape wine is one of the famous product and export to another countries. Grape wine is located at Phnom Banon Battambong province and that place looks very interesting. It also become tourism place furthermore, it gives many benefits to people especially economic. Grapes wine are relatively new in Cambodia but are already popular in urban areas. It attracts most of tourists to come to visit and become very famous. Grapes wine help to develop country that make more and more income for country and it’s citizen. The phnom banon winery producers several thousand bottles of grape wines, brandy and fresh grape juice per year. Grapes Wine made income in 2014 around $5,146,965 and it increasingly every year. Cambodia citizen hopefully that their economic will develop day by day and no unemployment any more in the next ten years.
Grapes Wine also affect to people health, People will unhealthy when they drink a lot of grapes wine. Cambodia people are also like to drink grape wine. Some people drink it every day. It may affect your judgment, slow your reaction time. People should not drink and drive, that you could addict of it. However, all of those will in the majority of cases, not occur with small amounts of grape wine. Many people drink and drive so traffic accident usually happen and many people die every year. The dead of people makes Cambodia lose the human resource and will be slow of development. The statistic Cambodia traffic accident in 2015 has killed 1753 people, which is a serious point that government tries to solve, and much worry about human resource. When a country loses its human resource it will lose economic development too. Its citizen will stay in the poor and unemployment. That is a reason that wine productions affects to society.

Cambodian people support that their own country has produced grape wine. It helps Cambodia country develops and also can export to another countries. It makes the economic working and also provides more opportunities for Cambodia citizen. It eradicates people poverty for people who less of education. Nowadays less education people hard to find jobs. That is also the reason that makes economic low down. Developing country needs produce more products specially can export to another countries, however grape wine has importance role for Cambodian life most of people have jobs of our own products. Our own products make more income and also develop country. Moreover, it makes economic in Cambodia stronger and stronger. So government should allow producing grapes wine for develop economic. However, wine has bad effect but I think government should limited of wine drinking and stricter on the traffic laws to eliminate traffic accident. One Village One Product gives more benefit to people then harm them. So I support my country to have own products and can challenge with another countries.
            For example:
1.Cambodia made grape wine, a bottle of wine is expected to retail for around $20 in Cambodia market. There are two varities red and rose. The red is superior to the rose. The both wine are created from ablend of black queen, black opal, and shiraz grapes varities.
2. Cambodia grow grape in Battambang is quite a good place for growing grape. At least 300 bottles of wine has been on sale in Battambang market town every month, around 10,000 bottles have been annually produced.
3. 20,November, 2016 Cambodia can produce grape wine with export standards, called Prasat Phnom Banon Grape Wine, the first ever wine locally produced in Cambodia which breeds of grape are imparted from various countries such as USA Australia and French. Khmer’s red wine is made from grape fruits and is a new product in Cambodia. OVOP national committee as a product of one village one product recognized Cambodia’s grape wine.