The cause of Cuba missile crisis in 1962 - NewThingsToKnow9999

The cause of Cuba missile crisis in 1962

According to history in 1962, USSR was the cause of Missiles Cuban crisis. If Soviet Union did not make the relation with new president of Cuba was Fidel Castrol to build new political system in Cuba, the missiles crisis would not happened in Cuba too. Fidel Castrol wanted to change democracy to communist that democracy is the political system lead by US and communist is lead by USSR. As the super power, US could not stand still to see the neighboring country as Cuba to follow the USSR. US realized that USSR could attack to US easily by put their missiles in Cuba to threat to US as well. USSR wanted to show to the world that Soviet Union is also the super power, which has a strong nuclear weapons and ready go to war with the US. The expansion of Missiles made the USSR become the caused of missiles crisis in Cuba.

            The Executive Committee was the group that John F Kennedy established the group discussion during the Cuban missiles crisis in 1962. The EXCOMM play an importance role for the US and also known as the large adversary group. The pros of EXCOMM is to help JFK to faced with USSR, how to make USSR withdraw the missiles from Cuba as soon possible. Most of members of EXCOMM wanted peace and they tried to find the solution to avoid the missiles war between USSR and US. EXCOMM may be a critical thinking when the problem is so close to take the war they knew what to do or eliminated growing of threats. They were the consultants that helped JFK making the strong decisions how best to respond different proposals relayed by Khrushchev. There were five options that would be chose to face with USSR. 
Do nothing: overreaching may lead to nuclear war and USA still had more missiles than USSR.
Surgical air strike: destroy the missiles before they become operational.
Invasion: remove missiles and Castrol from power.
Formal Diplomatic: involvement of UN and other countries may force USSR to withdraw missiles.
Blockade:  it would show firm action without direct confrontation, it might be depend on time to consider next actions.
Executive Committee may give the disadvantages to Mr. president during the missiles crisis too. There were twelve members of Executive Committee but they had differences ideas and also some of them supported their opinions and argued with other members in the group. Those arguments may make Mr. president hard to make the decisions and more complicated. The argument may make the discussion take long term and would affect to their country. EXCOMM feared that Mr. president chooses the wrong choice and then it would be the World War III happens. So EXCOMM tried to argued and gave the differences ideas to president. As I thought Mr. president too hard to decide which option would be the best one for US. There were five cons of options.
Do nothing: may be seen as the sign of weakness and encourage the USSR to challenge USA else where in the world.
Surgical Air strike: no guarantee that an air strike could destroy all the missiles. Some maybe launched against US cities. Bombing would probably kill USSR soldiers and that would be seen as an escalation of the Cold war into the hot war.
Invasion: seen as an escalation. USSR would react with a possible nuclear war or invasion of west Berlum.
Formal diplomatic: seen as the weak option and one that would unlikely produce the desired reaction from Khrushchev.
Blockade: A blockade would not remove the missiles already placed in Cuba. Action would likely to be slow.
President Kennedy wanted to make decision alone; he might think that what he wants were not going direct to war with USSR. Every option that he got from EXCOMM some was so risk facing with real situation. As a name of president, he didn’t want war to affected to his innocent civilian. Whenever the armed conflict happened, it always bring the lost of human resources, waste money on weapons or nuclear, trouble of economic, damage of constructions, and waste time. Left him alone to make the choice is better than forced him to stay with the hard situation during the EXCOMM argued with each other by differences options. Furthermore, he could believe in himself that he had strong commitment to save the world and to avoid World War III. As a president he just want his civilian stay in peaceful and prosperous activity.

Left Mr. president makes the choice alone is also risk for the US nation. Once he couldn’t choose the way to face with the complicate situation he might be choose the wrong choice which would lead US down and lost lots of nation budget. When he stay with stresses, urgent action which push him to choose the bad action or use a lot of military to go to war with USSR that would lead the world face with the lost of human resources or destroy this planet by nuclear. The world will never want the WWIII. Whenever he is complicated or stressful, that might be not a good solution to leave him alone to make the decision.  Rocks could break because of cooperation power so nothing stronger than the cooperation power. Sharing and acknowledging other ideas are the best way, which lead to success.